The Truth About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Professional advice to help improve the health of your pelvic floor Do you pee a little when you laugh or sneeze? Or maybe you leak a little when you run. Do you struggle to hold your urine while you sprint for the bathroom? Most men and women expect physical changes...

8 Simple Ways Natural Foods Help to Fight Inflammation

Have you ever sprained your ankle or experienced a joint injury? It hurt, turned red, and swelled up, right? These reactions are all normal symptoms of inflammation –  your body’s natural response to injury. Inflammation that occurs after an injury is the body’s...

Fighting Depression and Anxiety with Exercise

Regular exercise can also have a positive impact on people struggling with depression or anxiety.  Have you heard of the runners high? It’s the feeling that many runners experience when endorphins flood the body during exercise. Endorphins bring on feelings of...